Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis, often known as opinion mining, is the technique of using text analysis, computational linguistics, and natural language processing (NLP) to find and extract subjective information from text data. It looks to check if the emotional tone of a text is neutral, positive, or negative. Here at Fordata, we offer cutting-edge sentiment analysis tools that give companies comprehensive understanding of the thoughts and feelings of their customers. Imagine having fast access to the sentiment underlying hundreds of social media comments, survey replies, and consumer evaluations. Our artificial intelligence (AI)-driven sentiment analysis tools interpret textual emotions to help you make better decisions and increase customer happiness.

How Our Sentiment Analysis Solution Works

Our sentiment analysis process is thorough and precise:

Text Preprocessing:

We clean and prepare text data, removing noise and irrelevant information.


Text is broken down into individual words or phrases for detailed analysis.

Feature Extraction:

Key features indicating sentiment, such as adjectives, adverbs, and specific phrases, are identified.

Sentiment Classification:

Using our advanced machine learning models, text is classified based on its emotional tone.

Applications of AI Sentiment Analysis

Our sentiment analysis technology is widely used in various fields:

Customer Feedback:

Analyzing reviews, surveys, and social media comments to gauge customer satisfaction.

Market Research:

Understanding consumer opinions and market trends.

Brand Monitoring:

Tracking brand reputation and public perception.

Political Analysis:

Assessing public opinion on political issues and candidates.

Benefits of Fordata’s Sentiment Analysis

Real-Time Insights:

Quickly analyze and respond to customer feedback.

Improved Decision Making:

Make informed decisions based on sentiment data.

Enhanced Customer Experience:

Tailor services and products to meet customer needs.

Competitive Advantage:

Stay ahead by understanding market sentiment.