A circle will essentially be used for sharing content, where a circle will contain a group of users. Circles provide environment for efficient collaboration and communication. In our Digital Asset Manager application, by default user will see four circles. The provided information outlines the details about each circle.

Default four circles

Virtual circle

Virtual circle will show combine data of all circles. “Only me” circle data is also shown in “Virtual circle” as well.

Only me circle

Only me circle will contain the files which are privately shared by you. For example: If we don’t want anyone to see the file, we have to upload the file in private circle. Although, we can share the files from “Only me” circle.

Department circle

Department circle will show the data of department from which you belongs to. For example: If you belong to PEMRA department, you will automatically be added to the “PEMRA” circle with member role.

All organization circle

If user want to share the data in all organization, user should share data in all organization circle.


Roles in circles:

Each user in the circle will have a specific role assigned, that defines the tasks they can perform within that circle. The provided information outlines the details about each role.

1: Creator:

  • Red boundary indicates that you are creator or admin in the circle.
  • Creator will create circle and add users in the circle. While adding users, creator will also assigning the roles to the user.
  • Creator can upload data in circle.
  • Creator can view the data in circle.
  • Creator can share data inside and outside the circle.
  • By default the role of creator is “Creator”.
  • Creator can edit the circle. Including editing circle name, member’s roles and deactivation of circle etc.
  • Creator can add or remove the members in the circle.

2: Admin:

  • Red boundary indicates that you are creator or admin in the circle.
  • Creator will assign the admin role to user.
  • Admin can assign the admin role to the other users.
  • Admin can add and delete users (with different roles).
  • Admin can upload data into the circle.
  • Admin can share data inside and outside the circle.
  • Admin can view the data in circle.
  • Can view other users and their roles inside the circle.
  • Admin can edit the circle. Including editing member’s roles.
  •  Admin can add or remove the members in the circle.

3: Contributor:

  • Blue boundary indicates that you are contributor in the circle.
  • Creator or admin will assign the contributor role to user.
  • Contributor can upload data into the circle.
  • Contributor can only share data inside the circle.
  • Contributor can only share his own uploaded data.
  • Can view other users and their roles inside the circle

4: Member/Viewer:

  • Blank boundary indicates that you are member in the circle.
  • Creator or admin will assign the Member/viewer role to user.
  • Can only view the data.
  • Can view other users and their roles inside the circle.

Phases of circles:

We have divided circles into four phases. Below, we have explained each phase in detail.

1: Create circle(First phase):

  • Creator and admin can search through users department wise or using their First Name,Last Name and Username.
  • Creator and admin can add and delete users into the circle.
  • Creator and admin can specify the roles of the users in particular circle.
  • In below screen, user can select “All” to see total users of all departments. If user wants to see existing users in specific department, user should select a department and user will see the existing users who are belonging to the selected department.

2: Upload data into the circle(Second phase):

  • User can upload data in circle, if user is atleast contributer.
  • User will select a circle in which he want to upload file.
  • The uploaded data in circle will be visible to every user which is inside the circle.
  • After clicking “Start upload” button, the popup screen will disappear and the progress will be continued in Notifications bar. When progress is 100% completed. User will click on it and the screen will go to add metadata section.

3: View data circle wise(Third phase):

  • A user will only be able to see the circles in which they are a contributor, member, admin or the circles that are created by them.
  • By default, four circles will be visible to each user.

4: Share by post(Forth phase):

  • Share with circle: Share with circle means that sharing the data in circle from outside. User can share the data with the circle in which the user is atleast contributor.
  • Share from circle: Share from circle means that sharing the data of circle externally (outside the circle). User will be able to share the data outside the circle if He/She has the rights of admin.

Edit circle and view details info:

When users right click on circle, admin and creator will see two buttons, “View Details” and “Edit circle”.

1: View detail button

  • View detail button will show list of users that are in circle with their roles. When we click on View detail button, this screen will show.
  • If user click’s on one user profile, the user will see his profile info.
  • If user click on “+34”, the user will see this screen, which contains the information of all users that are in circle.

2: Edit circle button

  • Edit circle button will allow user to add/remove the user in the circle or change the role of existing users.

View details:

  • When users right click on circle, contributor and member will see only one button, “View Details”. Contributor and member can’t edit the circle.
  • View detail button will show list of users that are in circle with their roles.
  • When we click on View detail button, this screen will show.
  • If user click’s on one user profile, the user will see his profile info like this.
  • If user click on “+34”, the user will see this screen, which contains the information of all users that are in circle.