Voice Recognition

The process by which a computer program or machine detects and comprehends spoken language is known as speech recognition, or voice recognition. With the use of this technology, which converts spoken words into text, humans and machines may easily communicate. With our sophisticated artificial intelligence voice recognition solution, Fordata provides you the human-machine connection of the future. Envision a world where you can simply use your voice to access information, transcribe conversations, and control gadgets. Our voice recognition models are engineered to deliver precise and smooth communication, augmenting accessibility and user experience.

Advantages of Our Voice Recognition Solution

At Fordata, we are dedicated to providing innovative AI solutions that revolutionize the way businesses operate. Our expertise in delivering flawless AI models underscores our commitment to our client’s digital progress. Explore our AI models today and see how we can elevate your business to new heights through the fusion of HPC & AI solutions.


Enables hands-free operation and improves user experience.


Advanced algorithms ensure high recognition accuracy.


Streamlines tasks and boosts efficiency.


Makes technology accessible to a broader audience.

Voice Recognition Working Methodology

Our voice recognition system involves several detailed steps to ensure high accuracy and performance:

Audio Capture:

We capture spoken words through a high-quality microphone.

Speaker attribution:

The voice tone and phonetics can help the system identify which speaker is engaging with it.

Language Weighting:

By giving some commonly used words more weight, our voice recognition solution gains accuracy. As the system learns the user’s speaking pattern, it can pre-populate these words.

Pattern Recognition:

Our machine learning models match spoken words with known patterns.

Feature Extraction:

Key characteristics of the speech signal, such as pitch, tone, and speed, are identified.

Acoustics Training:

It is possible to train the system to recognize and adjust to the background noise present in a commercial setting through our AI solution.

Text Conversion:

Recognized speech is translated into written text accurately.

Filtering out Profanity:

To clean up the output, our voice recognition solution remove any swear words or offensive language.

Signal Processing:

Audio signals are converted into digital data for analysis.

Applications of AI Voice Recognition Across Industries

Voice recognition AI solution from FORDATA can be utilized in many domains:

Virtual Assistants:

Powering assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.


Assisting doctors with hands-free documentation and patient interaction.

Customer Service:

Enhancing automated phone systems and chatbots.


Helping individuals with disabilities interact with technology.


In the corporate world, voice recognition is enhancing productivity and communication through assistance in Meeting Transcriptions, Virtual Assistants and Customer Support.


In the dynamic world of E-commerce, voice recognition technology is revolutionizing the shopping experience through Voice Activated Search, Personalized Shopping Assistance, and Hands-Free Shopping.


Voice recognition is transforming aviation by improving Pilot Assistance, Air Traffic Control and Passenger Services.

Banking, financial services, and insurance:

Frequent queries on opening a bank account or applying for a credit card can be automated in real-time with voice recognition.